What We Do

Led by a highly-qualified, experienced and nurturing team of professionals, OFP staff members provide support and supervision, while integrating all aspects of the resident’s care plan. Annually or as needed, each individual has an Individual Support Plan meeting. The individual’s team — consisting of family members, an OFP residential management representative, a Supports Coordinator, a Day Program staff member and a nurse and/or Behavior Consultant, if applicable, and the individual — meet to review progress, review needs and wants, and talk about goals. Ultimately, we would like the individual to have as many opportunities as possible in their life that makes them happy and fulfilled. 

OFP’s Day Programs provide enrichment for all of our residents. Our intention is to assist the individuals we serve with programs that develop their skills so that each adult can reach their personal goals and objectives. A benefit of OFP’s individual-centered approach, day programs are built around an individual’s interests, personality and hobbies, so an array of services from day habilitation to work activities to sheltered workshop employment are available. In some cases, individuals may seek and be supported with an employment opportunity in the community.


To be considered eligible for admission into the Overbrook Friedlander Programs:  

  • An individual must be 21 years of age or older  

  • An individual must have the diagnosis of intellectual disabilities 

  • An individual must be in good physical health, free from contagious disease and able to physically participate in the program.  

While OFP specializes in the care of individuals with blindness and deafblindness, it is not a requirement for admission.